Flashback to Andrew killing Versace; Andrew breaks into a house boat, he forages for food and finds champagne.
The Man I Love
Billie Holiday and Her Orchestra
Montage as Andrew packs and waits for his father to come and retrieve him.
Montage as Andrew packs and waits for his father to come and retrieve him.
Andrew drinks champagne outside watching the helicopters.
A choir sings at Versace's funueral; Andrew shaves his head.
Adagio For Strings And Organ
Max Hobart
At the end, the effects of Andrew's crimes.
The Lord is my Shepherd
The Choirboys
Funeral scene. Andrew with live coverage watching sings along and prays.
The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23) (1994)
Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford
Andrew Cunanan follows Gianni Versace's funeral at the houseboat where he is hiding.
Andrew sitting outside, watching passerby.
Destination South
Steve Goomas
Playing on the TV while Andrew eats dog food.
The Man I Love
James A Norkawich
Andrew puts on music while he gets ready to meet his father.
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Howard Goodall
A choir performs at Versace's memorial, Andrew watches the memorial on TV.
Adagio in G Minor
Mac Quayle
D'Amico consumes pills at the bedroom; Donatella walks to Gianni's grave and lights a candle; a housekeeper finds D'Amico on the floor.