Aquarius - Season 2, Episode 1: Soundtracks

18 songs
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Boy Epic
Summer 2016 Aquarius "Helter Skelter" Trailer for 2hr movie premiere
Love Songs
Margo Guryan
Beginning of episode with Charlie cleans up after a murder as Emma stands shocked by the recent event.
Susie Q
Creedence Clearwater Revival
A couple stops in front of Hal after he rolls down the hill in to get away from Ken, Ken continues to aim at Hal from the hilltop then backs off; Roy questions Charmin at the Bleu Room.
Busy Day
Roy continues to question Charmin about her lies, she takes pills & continues to lie to cover herself; Ralph bosses Charlie & the girls around, smacks Sadie around & Brian arrives and stops him
Wrong Slant On Life
The New Arrivals
Ken races out of the house after Grace tells him that Hal has been shot and dying, a fact he already knew; Sam arrives at Roy's house.
Al's Blues
The Liberty Bell
Sam, Brian and Charmain meet up at the diner to check on Charmain and find out what happened the night she went missing, and she tells him how she covered herself with Roy.
Calm Me Down (Single Version)
The Human Expression
Sadie brings Gat back to the shack to asks for a favour while giving him a sexual one; Ken makes a call when Grace arrives back from Hal's room to tell him that Hal is going to survive.
To Susan On the West Coast Waiting
Flashback to August 9, 1969, A couple discuss going to the hospital as the wife goes into labor when Sadie appears at their bedroom door.
Sock It To Me
John O'Brien-Docker
Ralph and his crew party at the compound as the girls watch and Charlie meditate in the field.
Inner Sanctum
Long Burn the Fire
Black Merda!
Ralph and his crew continue to hang out at the compound; Charlie has sex with his newest convert, Patty, then tells her its her turn to cook the food for everyone.
Cynthy Ruth (alternate version)
Black Merda!
Emma & Patty cook for the compound, Patty tells Emma about her friend Margie's boyfriend, Dennis Wilson, a Beach Boy, and how he could help Charlie with his recording when Ralph comes over.
Reach Out
Sunset Love
Emma & Patty arrive at Dennis Wilson's house party.
Little Green Apples
O.C. Smith
Charlie at Dennis' house in the hills and making himself comfortable.
People Say I'm No Good (feat. Gethin Anthony)
Aquarius Cast
The Deep
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To Susan On the West Coast Waiting (Single Version)
Flashback to August 9, 1969, A couple discuss going to the hospital as the wife goes into labor when Sadie appears at their bedroom door.
Cease To Exist
Charles Manson
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