Ashes on the Fire (Attack on Titan the Final Season Original Soundtrack)
Chapter Title: The Rumbling.
Eren wonders what mom would think about all of this.
An Ordinary Day
Eren's apology and Ramzi's death. Meanwhile, the Wall Titans are on their path of destruction through Marley and all of the world.
Call of Silence
Hiroyuki Sawano
[Only choir pads and bell arpeggios version] Armin and Annie talk.
Symphonicsuite (Aot), Pt. 1-1st: 0Sk
Hiroyuki Sawano
Mikasa and Annie talk by the pier as the team assembles the flying boat.
The Alliance strategizes about Eren’s next target.
Symphonicsuite (Aot), Pt. 2-6th: Thanksat
Hiroyuki Sawano
The two groups say goodbye as they prepare to board their respective ships.
Footsteps of Doom
Floch's death; The Rumbling approaches again and Hange decides to sacrifice and buy them time to escape.
[It's also heard previously when Ramzi and Halil see The Rumbling]
Hange sacrifice themselves to defeat the Wall Titans and buy the Alliance time, allowing them to take off to Fort Salta.
Hange wakes up to see the old Scouts.
Shingeki Pf 20130218 Kyojin
Hiroyuki Sawano
Armin draws the diagram of Eren’s "humongous bundle of bones that moves like an insect". Levi asks for help to kill Zeke.
Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Connie run towards child Eren in the Paths.
[Drumless version] Annie asks Falco about his memories from Zeke.
The Global Allied Fleet
Humanity’s fate is staked on one final bombing run toward Eren's Doomsday Titan.
attack ON taian [TFSv]
Hiroyuki Sawano
The bombing runs on Eren’s Doomsday Titan and the Beast Titan strikes back.
Splinter Wolf
The Alliance arrives at Fort Salta. Reiner transforms into the Armored Titan to tackle the Beast Titan and protect the others to grapple on to one of the Founding Titan's spines.
Hiroyuki Sawano
Armin says, “Eren, I have another question to ask you, once we drag you out of there: In what way are you free?