Nixon telling Kissinger his plan to get rid of Black Dynamite. [0:05] Nixon finds Kissinger snorting cocaine and asks him where he got it from. [0:15] Basehead enters the Oval Office to tell Nixon Elvis Presley is dead and Black Dynamite is covering it up. [0:20] Nixon corners Black Dynamite and his crew.
Black Dynamite patrolling the community and noticing everything is too quiet.
Fighting for life
Stefano Torossi
Tasty Freeze explaining to Black Dynamite how the black community has benefited from selling drugs.
Elvis Presley meets Nixon at the Oval Office. [0:08] Elvis Presley arrives at the Black Community block fair.
Jive Time
Olivier Noel Andres & Christian Marie Jean Bernard Seguret
President Nixon knights Elvis Presley as the undercover DEA agent of the secret operation Ghetto Blaster. [0:17] Honey Bee and Cream Corn using Elvis Presley’s body to pretend he’s alive. [0:18] The police, rednecks and Nixon are in pursuit of Black Dynamite and his crew.
Soft Machine
Graham Walker
Honey Bee accidently burns off Cream Corn’s hair. [0:16] Black Dynamite and his crew leave the Black Community.
Smooth And Cool
Nick Ingman
The black community holds a block fair.
Elvis Presley frisking Tasty Freeze.
Hogan's Thing
Simon Haseley
Black Dynamite meets Elvis Presley.
Black Dynamite and Elvis Presley fight.
Black Dynamite making Elvis Presley slap himself repeatly.
La poliziotta - Deguello
Gianni Ferrio
Black Dynamite smacks some sense into Elvis Presley.
Black Dynamite and his crew discuss what to do with Elvis Presley’s body.
Black Dynamite talks about the “N Bomb.” Honey Bee tells Black Dynamite to move Elvis’ body outside of the Black Community.
Midnight Siren Blues
Stefan Grossman & Paul Jones
The rednecks spot Black Dynamite and his crew at the gas station.
A Short Intermission
Dick Walter
Before Black Dynamite and his crew crash into the bank.
Black Dynamite and his crew arriving at Elvis Presley’s mansion.