Opening recap of the Black Lightning saga.
(Repeats) Lynn leaves Jefferson; Anissa is looking for pain meds and ends up stopping a robbery with her new found super-strength; Tobias kills Lala.
Welcome To Freeland (From "Black Lightning")
Jefferson pays Lala another visit at The 100 yard, warning Lala to keep away from his school and his family.
Rocket Science
Joyce Wrice
Anissa has sex with her lover, Chenoa, then Chenoa brings up the subject of wanting more out of their relationship; Anissa tells Chenoa about breaking her sink, she offers her support.
Let's Straighten It Out
Lala sits in his car singing to himself as he waits for his associates; Lala's goons bring Will to him to face repercussions.
Make Me Wanna Say
Josh Lay
Jennifer tells Khalil about her experience with Black Lighting, then he asks her out and gives her a necklace, they kiss; Lynn and Jefferson kiss, she then tells him she'd like to take it slow.
Am I Black Enough for You?
Billy Paul
Montage as Black Lighting makes his way to Lala's apartment fighting his goons than taking on Lala himself when the police charge in; Black Lighting jumps off the roof, escaping the police.
Rocket Science
Joyce Wrice, Kay Franklin
Anissa has sex with her lover, Chenoa, then Chenoa brings up the subject of wanting more out of their relationship; Anissa tells Chenoa about breaking her sink, she offers her support.
Welcome To Freeland
Jefferson pays Lala another visit to warn him away from his school and family.
Rocket Science (feat. Kay Franklin)
Joyce Wrice
Anissa and Chenoa make love; Chenoa brings up the subject of wanting more out of their relationship to Anissa then Anissa tells her about breaking her sink with her bear hands after being kidnapped.