home (feat. WALK THE MOON)
FBI agents Kay and Mike discuss the risks of getting Jonathan out of prison to help rescue Cameron, while standing outside the prison waiting for him
Jonathan visiting the rest of the team before being taken back to prison
Get Found
Bass Drum Of Death
Jonathan, posing temporarily as Cameron, does coin tricks for auction attendees while Kay keeps on eye out for likely suspects -- little do they know, only a few feet away is their foe
Clockwork (Future Funk Squad Remix)
in the middle of the auction the lights and cameras mostly fail
Ultraviolet (Live)
Freya Ridings
Cameron gets locked in the vault & Jonathan & the team unsuccessfully try to open the vault as all the air is being sucked out of the room.
Kay and Mike discuss the wisdom of her plan, as they wait for Jonathan to be released from prison.
In the middle of the bidding on the Lynx Diamond, the lights go out and Henri makes a move to grab the diamond.