Opening sequence: the Black Lives Matter protest starts. A doctor tells Malika and Dom their mother has a brain aneurysm. Callie remembers Carl's reveals about Officer Griffin.
Davia sits down with Viv and her dad.
Callie consults her conscience.
Lost Myself (feat. Amy Stroup)
Gold Brother
Gael tells Callie where he stands.
Mariana and the women from Speckulate have a conversation about what to do with the salary list.
Callie's dream sequence, dancing with Jamie, Gael, Malika and Judge Wilson.
Evan and Mariana discuss the ownership of her app.
Dennis talks to Davia at the hospital.
In This Together
Imaginary Future
Alice, Gael, Davia, Malika, Mariana and Callie drink together on the roof, reciting the mission of the coterie.
I Wanna Know (feat. Daya)
RL Grime
Alice comes out to her parents; Malika sends her graduation invite to her brother; Davia finds out that Jeff left his wife; Mariana and Raj kiss.
Hot Damn
Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas
Endless Wild Perfect
Le Voyageur
Left and Right
jerry williams
Mariana asks Callie who she is going to choose: Jamie or Gael. Callie imagines another dance with them that ends with Callie standing between the two.