People stand outside of the court house protesting; the trial begins.
As the Coterie gathers for breakfast, Malika explains how the 911 phone calls are important to the case when Callie walks in.
If I Could Be Your Girl
Callie and Gael spend the night together, they have sex then discuss his recent art piece and his upcoming art show.
Frame for One
Jesse Marchant
Malika meets Jamal Thompson's mother, Sandra, they discuss the case then she gives Malika a hug.
Mariana brings Raj a drink in an attempt to extend friendship.
Own It (feat. Faith Vernon)
Callie arrives home to find Brian there with Mariana and Davia drinking, they invite her to have a drink then they discuss work.
Something To Lose
James Supercave
Callie tries to work but fails so she does busy work; Gael meets with his sister who asks him for money; Gael breaks his sculpture then texts Callie.
Up and Down
Patrick Sweany
Callie meets up with Jamie, she asks for him to be her lawyer.
Jamie listens to Callie then gives her advice; Mariana codes.
Mariana has a awkward run in with her boss, Evan; Malika receives a text photo from her mother.
Let Me Breathe
Eryn Allen Kane
Malika makes a Twitter post about Jamal; Jamie continues to give Callie advise as they play pool afterwards he asks her out for dinner.
Spare Some Change
Eryn Allen Kane
Mariana celebrates 'not being at work' when Callie arrives home; Brian and Gael discuss their relationship and Callie then kiss.
Mariana lets Alex take the praise for completing their work; Evan asks about Mariana.
The Judge denies the motion to dismiss the case; Callie confronts Becca; Ben brings up Callie knowing Malika to Becca; Mailka gets a text from her brother; Sandra thanks Malika; people celebrate.
The Way You're Breathing
Brian and Gael talk about Gael's art when Callie walks into the restaurant; Callie meets up with Jamie for dinner.
As the Coterie gathers for breakfast, Malika explains how the 911 phone calls are important to the case when Callie walks in.