Nick waits on a bench with two coffees; Lucas, Mika, and Simone hustle toward the hospital; Mika hides from Teddy; Jules gets on the elevator; Jo sets an appointment for Luna.
Mika interrupts a meeting; Nick is back; Mika gives a speech; Jules gets a page to the ICU room; Link and Owen get dressed for surgery; Simone questions Link; Surgery starts.
Jo offers to help Link with surgery; Owen listens to Link discuss the plan; Winston joins with other ND surgeons and staff.
Everyone watches Link, Jo, Winston, Owen, Simone, and Mika work on Sam.
Hesitate (feat. OSKA)
Simone enters the room; Link compliments her work; Jo enters; Jules sits next to Maxine; Simone enters; Richard arrives at the bar and has a conversation with Taryn.
Final montage song, Jo tells Simon to go home after bringing him some coffee.