The Suggestion Box
Opening, George, Izzie, and Cristina cross the nurses' picket line. Mer sees Richard visit Ellis at the nursing home.
Mere and Cristina complain about their bad day. Izzie leaves to talk to her patient. Joe breaks up a potential fight between Cristina and the nurses.
Izzie talks to her patient about her daughter's adoption. Burke is angry at Cristina.
Cristina and Burke talk. Mere tells Richard she saw him with Ellis.
Izzie, Derek, and Addison operate on Cheyenne and her baby. After her patient dies, Mere has a panic attack about her mother dying alone. Derek comforts her.
Just In Case
Leeroy Stagger
Richard tells the nurses they won. Derek holds Addie. Izzie and Mere climb into bed with George.
Your Eyes Tell Stories
Bo Staloch