Issa wakes up and thinks about Nathan.
Issa drops her phone in the shower. Main title card.
Posts selfie to instagram.
Stuck (feat. Arin Ray)
Issa prematurely drops a passenger off to check Insta.
Issa tries to DM Nathan through her fake Insta account.
Issa stalks Nathan on Insta while the plumber works.
Issa battles her inner voices at Andrew/Nathan's.
Issa and Molly get in the car. Molly asks what's up.
Don’t Judge Me
Janelle Monae
Lawrence and Denise are on a date.
Issa deletes Nathan from her social media and contacts.
Issa and Lawrence enjoy catching up over coffee.
Click Bait
TT The Artist, Mighty Mark
Issa posts a selfie to Instagram.