Can't Fight It
Shawn Barry
Nick can't find Jane.
Jane gets to work on models.
Jane tries on her mom's dress.
Such a Long Time
Nicholas Ruth
Jane gets back to the dance.
Your Heart Is Mine
The Dance is over but Billy waits for Jane.
I Woke Up Yesterday
Jane revamps a shirt.
Oh My My My Oh
We Cry Diamonds
Jane races to work.
Shine Your Light
Astoria Kings
Jane revamps her mom's dress.
Jane & Jeremy work on a project.
Jane and Billy arrive at the dance.
Dream #7
Axel and the Farmers
Jane and Nick slow dance.
Billy & Jane arrive at school.
The Weight of the World
Jane is running back and forth between events.
Work It Girl
Scary Monsters
A model wears Jane's dress.
Last scene with Jane on the empty dance floor... Billy waiting for her outside.
Work of Art
Rachel Platten
Theme song for show's opening
I Woke Up In Yesterday
Used during the shows opening scenes. Jane revamps a shirt.
Pieces (Too Heavy to Quote)
the sketches
Billy and Lulu are kissing and Nick sees them.
Dance floor where Nick looks for Jane (last song)