Welcome to Mystic Falls (feat. Byron Wigfall, Kaylee Bryant, Kiana Washington, Luke Sanderford, Shelby Warren & Jennifer Koon )
Cast of Legacies
The cast of Salvatore: The Musical! take the stage for their first song together.
Hello Brother (feat. Ben Levin & Chris Lee)
Cast of Legacies
Kaleb and Jeb take the stage Stefan and Damon in a duet.
I'll Be OK (feat. Jenny Boyd)
Cast of Legacies
Lizzie takes the stage as Caroline; (repeats) Lizzie reprises her role as her mother in a song reprisal.
Just Don't Think About Damon / Doppelganger (feat. Ben Levin, Chris Lee & Kaylee Bryant)
Cast of Legacies
Josie takes the stage as Elena and as Katherine along side Kaleb and Jeb as Stefan and Damon, her love interests.
You Will Always Be My Hope (feat. TJ Ramini)
Cast of Legacies
As Klaus, Puck takes the stage to deliver a message to Hope that she is a special and her very existence is a miracle, she the Mikaelson legacy and she'll carry them all with her.
Always and Tomorrow (feat. Danielle Russell)
Cast of Legacies
In a recast Hope takes the stage as Elena, Hope sings an emotional song composed by Landon from a letter by her father.
Josie and Jade share a kiss without being under magic.
In and Out of Love
Oh Wonder
Mac invites Alaric in after he apologies to her; Lizzie reads her mother letter to her; Landon and Hope apologize to one another; MG asks Puck how his plan went.
Welcome to Mystic Falls (feat. Kaylee Bryant, Shelby Warren, Byron Wigfall, Kiana Washington & Luke Sanderford)
Cast of Legacies
The cast take stage for their first song about the mystical world inside of Mystic Falls.
Hello Brother (feat. Chris Lee & Ben Levin)
Cast of Legacies
Kaleb and Jed as Stefan and Damon, sing about brotherhood and their bond.
Just Don't Think About Damon / Doppelganger (feat. Kaylee Bryant, Chris Lee & Ben Levin)
Cast of Legacies
Josie as Elena and her doppelganger, Katherine takes the cast along with Kaleb and Jed, her love interests.