An Honest Mistake (feat. Lizzy Land)
Mating Ritual
[The Bravery cover version] Official Trailer.
The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
Miles’ mother is decorating the house for his going away party.
All These Things That I've Done
The Killers
Drive to Culver Creek.
First Day
Siddhartha Khosla
Miles aka Pudge sees Alaska for the first time as he and his parents drive by. Alaska is putting the bottles of win in her car.
Miles is alone in his room after his parents have gone. He unpacks and showers before The Colonel shows up.
Labyrinth on the Pad
Siddhartha Khosla
Pudge and Alaska talk at the smoking hole.
With Arms Outstretched
Rilo Kiley
Alaska buries the bottles of wine in the woods.
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
The Postal Service
Dr. Hyde tells the class what they will be studying this year.
Paul and Marya smoke pot in her room and get caught having sex by The Eagle.
Blue Orchid
The White Stripes
Pudge is kidnapped and thrown into the lake, where he is attacked by the swan.
Slams the Door
Siddhartha Khosla
alaska walking into the smoking hole
An Honest Mistake (feat. Lizzy Land)
Mating Ritual, Lizzy Land
[The Bravery cover version] Official Trailer.