Lucifer watches his mom flirt with a guy; Amenadiel informs Lucifer that he might be in danger.
City view; In Chloe's office, Lucifer plays with his chair while waiting for Charlotte to arrive.
At the precinct, Charlotte drops by Dan's desk.
After Detective Daniel and Amenadiel talk; Chloe heads towards Charlotte.
Gonna Have Fun Tonight
Mobius VanChocStraw
Chloe questions why Charlotte is helping.
At the bar, Daniel and Amenadiel have drinks.
Ooops! I Did It Again
Lucifer Cast
At LUX, Lucifer changes the melody when Chloe enters.
Cruel Intentions
Valerie Broussard
Chet stabs Charlotte; City view.
All Along the Watchtower
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
[Live cover version] Lucifer plays the piano.
Oops!... I Did It Again
Lucifer changes the melody he's playing when Chloe walks into LUX and asks how he got injured.