Baby Got Back
Sir Mix A Lot
After Boo answers Jane's question, Pensatucky. (Flashback) At a bar, Boo flirts with girls, does a shot then takes bets.
Crazy Peppers
Gwendolyn Sanford
Alex gives Piper her non-birthday gift then they kiss.
World's Greatest Job
Gwendolyn Sanford
In his office, Caputo celebrates.
Taystee awakens and freaks out, sending Crazy-Eyes back to her bed; End credits.
Crazy Peppers
Gwendolyn Sanford, Brandon Jay, Scott Doherty
Alex gives Piper her non-birthday gift then they kiss.
World's Greatest Job
Gwendolyn Sanford, Brandon Jay, Scott Doherty
In his office, Caputo celebrates.
Taystee awakens and freaks out, sending Crazy-Eyes back to her bed; End credits.
Song plays after Suzanne 'crazy eyes' get into Taystee's bed with her.