Wraggle Taggle Gypsies
Dominic Ashworth
Narcisse gives Francis and Mary another excuse for the lack of grain coming into the kingdom.
Kenna nags about their lack of holdings to Bash, they then talk about the importancy of Francis claiming Lola's baby; Mary and Greer interrupt Conde's conversation with a courtesan.
Travelling Man (b)
Jaye, Howard, Taylor & Wilde
Mary and Francis discuss the death of the chicken thief, then meet with Lord Ducasse and his family to discuss the grain delivery.
The Fete (version with English & Celtic sections)
Chris Garrick / Cavendish Music
Lola and Kenna chat with some of the other ladies of the castle's court.
Trotto (a) OL
APM Studio Musicians
Kenna and Bash dance when a woman approaches them, she makes a complaint about Lord Barnard and accuses him of killing her husband; Narcisse joins Catherine on the balcony to discuss the grain deal.
Bash reports his findings to Francis; Schuler approaches Mary about pardoning some prisoners in exchange for grain.
Lady Barnard joins Kenna and suggests she should be getting lots of gifts due to Bash's position; Mary tells Francis of Schuler's offer as they dance; Francis is informed that Caroline was located.
March: Hills to Climb
Tim Myers
Francis and Mary are at their coronation. They have been crowned King and Queen of France on July 10, 1559.
[Cavendish Music] Lola and Kenna chat with some of the other ladies of the castle's court.
Trotto (a) OL
Sonoton Music
Kenna & Bash dance as a woman approaches them and accuses Lord Barnard of killing her husband; Narcisse joins Catherine on the balcony to discuss the grain deal.
Francis & Mary are crowned King & Queen of France.