Roswell, New Mexico - Season 3, Episode 7: Soundtracks
8 songs
Roswell, New Mexico
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Wasting Time
At the Crashdown, Liz attempts to calm Isobel before they encounter Jones.
Esther Rose
At the cafe, Isobel "runs" into Deputy Pete.
Waiting for Someone
At the diner, Liz and Isobel attempt to work their plan on poisoning Jones.
Wake Me Up
Wild Pony Band
Gregory requests the song at his live jukebox fundraiser for Maria’s medical bills
Tom's Diner
Wild Pony Band
Dollars for DeLuca fundraiser live jukebox
Goodnight Elisabeth
Wild Pony Band
Jones (in Max’s body) requests the song to dance with Liz at Gregory’s live jukebox fundraiser
Purple Girlfriend
The Goldstars
Into the Shadows
Anna Mae
At the end, Liz and Micheal check on Maria; Isobel and Rosa discover Jones' pod is missing; Jones kills Deputy Pete; Alex talks to a comatose Kyle; Jones gains access to Maria's memories.
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