Liz's voiceover in the jeep on the drive home
In the morning the group drives back home; Maria & Michael talk in the car.
Eddie enters the Crashdown and talks to Liz about meeting River Dog.
[DVD/Streaming] Eddie enters the Crashdown and talks to Liz about meeting River Dog.
Get You In the Morning
Crash Test Dummies
At the Crashdown, Isabel, Michael and Maria wait to hear back from Liz and Max.
Loves Deadly Touch
Keith Kohn
[DVD/Streaming] At the Crashdown, Isabel, Michael and Maria wait to hear back from Liz and Max.
Valenti and Toplolsky in the bar.
[DVD/Streaming] Valenti and Topolsky sit in the bar.
Doyle Bramhall
Topolsky & Sheriff Valenti toy with each other.