Fallen Icons (feat. Jenifer McLaren)
Isabel dreamwalks; Isabel watches Liz in her dream.
Eliminate Me
[DVD/Streaming] Isabel dreamwalks; Isabel watches Liz in her dream.
Amongst the Ruins
Isabel visits Kyle dream.
Turn Around
Collective Soul
At the Crashdown, Kyle & Tess have breakfast.
Sheriff Valenti talks to Mrs. Foster.
At the Crashdown, Maria clarifies the "DeLuca House Rules" to Sean.
Kyle complains about Tess to Liz when Sean comes in and orders fries.
Trip Like I Do
The Crystal Method
Max, Isabel & Sheriff Valenti rescue the girl.
Isabel dreamwalks; Isabel watches Liz in her dream.
Duck & Run
Three Doors Down
Sheriff Valenti talks to Mrs. Foster.
Fallen Icons
Delerium ft Jenifer McLaren
Liz' dream.
Trip Like I Do
Crystal Method
Max, Isabel & Sheriff Valenti save the girl.