Not Gonna Play By Your Rules
The Diner
Tony and his partner in a police car outside the Gallagher house; Debbie tells Fiona to wear something nice.
Cup of Coffee
The Novocaines
Fiona goes to the boys' room; Lip looks for Ian's biological dad on the internet.
You Make Me Sick
Karen destroys her dad's room in the basement.
Frank tries to explain himself.
A guard drags Grammy away; Jasmine and Fiona play pool at the Alibi.
I Ain't Waiting for You
Bosshouse Music
After getting told he'd be working with AIDS needles, Frank runs out.
It's Thunder and It's Lightning
We Were Promised Jetpacks
After the cop stops by, Fiona calls Steve.
Pyramid of the Moon
Tony sees Steve has changed the plates on his stolen car.
The Absolutist
Extreme Music
Karen smashes Eddie's car window and walks off.
Ian and Lip outside their uncle's house.
Street Feet Skank (Instrumental Version)
[Original version] Steve steals a Porsche.
Love Drunk (feat. Talkz)
Alisha Pillay
Hey Hey Hey
Death on Two Wheels
Tony chase and catch Ian and Lip. Frank takes pills before going to see Karen
Crazy But Not Afraid
Wild Yaks
Again & Again
5 Alarm Music