Shameless - Season 5, Episode 3: Soundtracks

20 songs
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Rocking The VFW Hall
The Diner
All In
Bosshouse Music
Cops haul out naked and half-naked men and women from the 'Rub & Tug' as Mickey walks by.
Veronica bottles up her breast milk then hands Mickey a bag; Frank comes with his latest batch of beer; Frank hands out samples of beer then gets an order.
Kinda Sleazy
Shawn Lee
Fiona is shocked at Angela's offer; Carl rides down the street in his wheelchair and waves at some girls.
All a Lie
The Bixby Knolls
Mickey finds Ian cleaning the house; He grabs his things from the lawn.
15 Wrongs
Toy Bombs
At the diner, Fiona writes down her inventory of wrongs when Davis comes and invites her out.
Dirty Arms Of Home
Bosshouse Music
Carl hangs flyers when he spots lesbian realtors approaching a house.
Mind Frame
Twin Peaks
Fiona arrives at the club when Davis spots her; Fiona kisses Gus.
The Answer
[On-screen performance] Oya sings at the club; Davis and Gigi makeout, Fiona stares then goes back to watch Oya sing.
Debbie comes to inspect the house; A partygoer asks her when the party is starting; Carl services girls under the stairs; Matty and his friends arrive.
Tony Lewis Project
At the party, Debbie and Matty dance together; Debbie lays down with Matty.
Settling It Off
Peter Wolf Crier
Mandy watches as Lip leaves; Debbie smiles as Matty sleeps; Fiona, Davis, Gigi and Gus leave the club; Fiona and Gus talk about Davis as they walk.
Drunk With You
Christopher Wild
Ian tells Lip that Mandy left for Indiana.
City Slicker
Secret Colours
Debbie reads Matty's post-it note.
Beacon Hill
Damien Jurado
Gus plays Fiona a song.
The Spin Wires
Sammi kicks Frank as she chases him upstairs from the basement; Hanzi tries Frank's beer.
Thieves & Kings
The Peach Kings
Frank, Sheila and Sammi stare at Sheila's house in flames; Sammi searches for Chuckie; Ernie arrives with the RV.
Gotta Get Away
The Black Keys
Sheila gets in the RV as Frank tries to talk to her; Sheila drives on the highway away from Chicago; End credits.
Get You Some
Weston Ripps
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