I Bear Witness
Intro; Freddie skateboarding (Netflix).
At Death, A Proclomation
Cook kicks Effy out of the shed
Amo Bishop Roden
Boards of Canada
Freddie sad trip (Netflix).
Le ciel dans une chambre
Carla Bruni
Freddie and Effy sit next to each other in english class, arms touching
Pick Up the Phone
The Notwist
Camera shooting Freddie (Netflix).
Tip of the Tongue
The Donnis Trio
Freddie goes to the skatepark and leaves his spliff and skateboard (Netflix)
Freddie goes to Effy's house; end credits (Netflix).
I Am a Full Grown Man (I Will Lay in the Grass All Day)
Freddie goes to meet Effy at the water park and they kiss.
A Little More
The Early Years
Opening scene of Freddie skateboarding.
Freddie and Effy in the shed; getting to know each other.