Jenelle talks to her friend about her relationship issues.
Leah gets the kids ready to go to Corey’s house for the weekend.
Take the Weight (Demo)
Chelsea has a difficult time getting Aubree to preschool.
Leah spends time with Jeremy while Corey takes the twins to the zoo.
Chelsea picks up Aubree from school.
Wandering in Your Mind
Street Joy
Chelsea meets her friends for coffee to talk about her problems with Aubree and Adam.
Laughter Song
The Small Cities
Leah picks her kids up from Corey.
Folly & the Hunter
Jenelle and Nathan make up.
Leah spends time with her kids, and talks to Aleeah about Ali’s condition.
Note To The End
Castle Project
End Montage
Chelsea picks up Aubree from school.
Eyes Can’t Hide
Extreme Music
End Montage