Kailyn, Javi and Isaac drive to the court hearing about visitation rights
Aubree celebrates her birthday at school
Jenelle and Nathan go out to eat
Kailyn brings Isaac to Jo’s house and talks to him about settling visitation
Leah and Jeremy are running late to the doctor’s office
Jenelle has an ultrasound and receives some news
The Town Will Talk
Death and a Cure
Kailyn meets with her lawyer before court
Kailyn and her lawyer leave court and talk about visitation
Jenelle and her boyfriend have a serious conversation
Kailyn picks up Isaac from Jo
Burning Sun
Octoberman, Marc Morrissette, Tavo Diez de Bonillo, Marshall Bureau, Jim Guthrie, Shaun Brodie, Randy Lee, Melissa Dalton, Jeremy Strachan, Justin Nace
Jenelle and her boyfriend have a serious conversation
Upside of Down
little hurricane
End montage