Groovin' (That Feel Good Song)
Yam Haus
Chelsea brings Layne to the boutique to look at new designs.
Leah is releived when Ali says she wants to go back to camp next year.
Devoin comes over to see Nova.
Keep Me Guessing
Yeah Yeah, Sure Sure
Kailyn tries to keep the house surprise from the boys.
Jade takes Kloie to the park.
Chelsea and her family take pictures for Layne’s 1st birthday.
Love Forever
Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard
Chelsea shares the cake with their pig.
Have a Good Time
Red Red Lips
Brianna takes Nova out after her first day of school.
Kailyn closes on the house.
Beach Stalker
Communist Daughter
Kailyn goes over to the new house.
Cole picks up Aubree from school.
Briana and her sister talk about moving.
Hand On My Shoulder
La Cuesta
End montage.