Feeling So Good
Rough Nights
Amber’s pregnancy is making her get sick.
Do Right and Let It Go
Astro Lasso
Amber’s cousin, Krystal, cooks her dinner at home.
Maci and Taylor talk to their kids about adoption.
Gotta Get Out
Kylie Hughes
Tyler and his sister, Amber, check into a hotel before visiting Butch in rehab.
All That I Ever Do
Grand Am
Tyler and his sister talk about Butch’s progress on their way to see him.
Ryan and Mackenzie give their dog a bath.
Mountain Mover
Stephen Conley
Taylor researches adoption services.
Perfect High
Viv and the Revival
Amber picks up Leah from Gary’s house so they can go shopping.
["Lion-S" is the band, not "lions"]...played during End Montage!