The Magicians - Season 4, Episode 13: Soundtracks

7 songs
The Magicians
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The Star Spangled Banner (United States National Anthem)
United States Marine Band
Quentin and Josh arrive in an office where they're congratulated for finishing their quest.
Great Northern
The Monster at the end of the world is defeated by everyone that performed a spell.
Cruel World
Active Child
Instead of handing the last bottle to Rowe, Quentin sacrifices himself by tossing the Monster into the seam as Alice watches him disappear.
Take on Me (feat. Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy & Jade Tailor)
The Magicians Cast
Hi Penny 40 takes Quentin to see his effect on the others. The gang sings as they gather around the bonfire to remember Quentin's life.
Narrow Escape
Dream Cave
After feeling the pain of losing Quentin, Julia spins cards.
The Stars and Stripes Forever
John Philip Sousa
Quentin and Todd are congratulated for completing Task #764.
Take On Me
Alice, Julia, Kady, Penny 23, Fogg, Eliot and Margo sing at a memorial fire for Quentin; montage of flashbacks as friends toss mementos reminding the of Quentin into a bonfire.
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