The Royals - Season 2, Episode 5: Soundtracks

10 songs
The Royals
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Kingdom Fall
Claire Wyndham
Opening scenes; (repeats) End montage (plays through the final 5 minutes).
Eleanor & Sam sit in bed texting Liam & Jasper; Sam lies to Eleanor about texting Jasper, saying it's her agent offering her a job. Eleanor tries to persuade her to stay. 
At a lazy brunch, Eleanor & Sam discuss James' backstory as they drink mimosas when Sam brings up the subject of Eleanor's past bodyguards and asks her about Eleanor about her last bodyguard.
Helena visits Ted to discuss the vandalization of King Simon's memorial. He tells her Cyrus was responsible. Helena then asks him to look into suspicious disappearance of Alistair Lacey. 
Psychic Reader
Bad Bad Hats
Eleanor tells Sam the story of her last bodyguard afterwards Sam asks if she's still in love with him which Eleanor denies instead kissing Sam, the paparazzi snaps pictures.  
Pieces Of The People We Love
The Rapture
Liam & Oliver Cabral talk; Liam & Wilhelmina talk about her family support of Oliver; Cyrus meets cartoonist Levi Drew; Rani tells Helena to stop meddling with Parliament; Eleanor & Sam arrive. 
Sleep Machine
As he knights Oliver Cabral, Simon makes a grand speech about giving England back it's balls and asks Levi Drew arrested then warns Oliver after knighting him to be careful what he paints.
As We Are Now
Saint Raymond
Rani tries to persuade Liam over to her side and as he begins to tell her off when Wilhelmina spills her drink on him to rescue him, they leave the party; Wilhelmina tells Liam about her past. 
Indigo Puff
Sundara Karma
Liam takes Wilhelmina to his secret spot the grounds, as they drink Liam expresses his want for freedom from the monarchy but Wilhelmina gives him perspective about how he could use his power.  
Jerusalem (And Did Those Feet In Ancient Times)
The Royals Cast
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