(0:06) Tyler thanks Caroline for sticking with him during his change.
The Last Time
The Daylights
(0:09) Jules asks Sheriff Forbes if she's heard anything about Mason.
The Mall and Misery
Broken Bells
(0:15) Stefan leaves a message for Isobel as Damon shows up at the Mystic Grill.
(0:20) Matt asks Caroline why she ran away after he kissed her.
(0:24) Damon meets up with Sheriff Forbes at the school.
Passion and Danger
Michael Suby
Damon kills Rose to end her suffering.
Tyler and Caroline Kiss
Michael Suby
Tyler kisses Caroline; (repeats) Elena hugs Damon.
I Like It Alot
Death Ships
(0:35) Tyler meets with Jules at the Mystic Grill.
(0:40) Damon compels Jessica, confesses to her, then kills her.
Let's Go Surfing
The Drums
Elena Lives, John Dies
Michael Suby