We Could Be Friends
Freelance Whales
Mark and Betty watch tv at the end.
Betty running back and forth between her party and helping Mark.
It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Betty does karaoke to this song.
Adventures In Solitude
The New Pornographers
Betty reads her 'Goodbye' paragraph as Wilhelmina stores Connor's letter while Connor himself returns to his cell. Hilda and Bobby say goodnight and Betty remembers her and Matt's farewell.
Betty runs into Daniel while trying out the stilletos.
Betty tells Hilda about Matt's plans while trying out the new hair product Wilhemina gave her.
Photoshoot for Betty's blog.
Bobby arrives at Hilda's salon to take her out for the day.
Adventures In Solitude
The New Ponographers
Wilhemina tucks away Connor's letter; Connor talks with the prison guard; Hilda tells Bobby she knows he'll be there for her; Betty & Matt say goodbye.