Behold the Metatron
Howard Shore
Bartleby & Loki
Howard Shore
Stygian Triplets
Howard Shore
The Golgothan
Howard Shore
The Last Scion
Howard Shore
Mooby the Golden Calf
Howard Shore
John Doe Jersey
Howard Shore
A Very Relieved Deity
Howard Shore
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
Behold the Metatron
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
Mooby the Golden Calf
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
The Golgothan
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
The Last Scion
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
Stygian Triplets
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
Bartleby & Loki
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
John Doe Jersey
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
A Very Relieved Deity
Howard Shore, Scott Gordon
Never on Sunday
The Chordettes
Liz returns home after being confronted by protesters and discovers Bethany reading a newspaper at the table.
Metatron teleports himself and Bethany to a nearby Mexican restaurant to demonstrate that he is indeed an angel.
Mi Unico Camino
Conjunto Bernal
The second song is played in the Mexican restaurant as Metatron attempts to persuade Bethany to undertake the mission
Bethany enjoys a meal at the diner while Jay and Silent Bob observe. Jay discusses movies.
Bartleby and Loki ride on a bus, discussing the commandments and whether a passenger is violating any of them.
Loki sings the lyrics as they stand outside the bus.
Jay and Silent Bob watch Serendipity dance on a stripper pole. They compete with other men for her attention.
At the bar, Jay and Silent Bob have fun with some African American men, while Serendipity converses with Bethany and reveals that she is not a woman.
Blue Danube Waltz Opus 314
Richard Strauss
The group dines in an upscale restaurant.
Love Is Strange
Mickey and Sylvia