0:01 Opening Credits, friday night house party
Teenage Daydream
The Nights
0:02 Background party music as Dave and Aubrey talk.
0:04 Another background song coming from the party.
0:06 Song coming from the party as Dave reads his speech to Aubrey.
0:08 Song heard coming from the party.
0:10 Dave and Aubrey dance in the alley outside the party
Out of Touch
Lizzie Borden & The Axes
0:13 Music from the car that offers Dave a ride when he's walking home with Aubrey
If It Be Your Will
Leonard Cohen
0:16 In Aubrey's room, she puts this record on
Wait. Think. Fast.
0:24 Dave tells his friends about Aubrey at the diner the morning after.
0:26 In the car, getting Aubrey's number from classmate.
0:31 on the radio when Aubrey and Ronny are talking also at the movies and dave is freaking out
I Cannot Love You
0:39 First song at the party they go to after the movie. Ronny talks about society.
0:40 Song at the party when Aubrey talks to Jane by the pool.
0:43 Dave and Ronny talk inside at the party about Aubrey.
Come and Go (Featuring Danica Rozelle)
Dave and Jane are in the bedroom talking.
Anne with an E
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
0:52 Dave leaves Jane and starts driving around, he gets a text from Aubrey
1:04 Aubrey tells Dave she's maybe going to make him a mix, kissing ensues
1:16 Dave in his car deciding whether or not he should call Aubrey after their fight
1:23 Aubrey lays in bed all night but can't sleep
Girls Like You
The Naked and Famous
1:28 Dave drives Aubrey to school she puts in the mix she made
Sweet Louise
The Belle Brigade
1:31 Dave drop Aubrey off at school she goes back to kiss Dave & Credits
Diamond Eyes (instrumental)
Michael Haggins
Diamond Eyes (vocals)
Michael Haggins
Coming Home
Pete Kilpatrick Band
Out of Touch
Liz Borden & the Axes
Music from the car as they pull up while Dave and Aubrey walk home from the party.
Diamond Eyes
Michael Haggins
Coming Home
The Pete Kilpatrick Band