Andi Mack Music
Andi Mack season 1 poster

Andi Mack season 1 episode 12 soundtrack

Best Surprise Ever, 3 songs

Amber fails to defend Jonah when her friends mock him.

  • Young In Love and Free — Extreme Music
    The hallway scene where Jonah thinks Andi is running to him, but she's running to Bowie.
  • Wake Up — Peter Panic
    The dance scene with Bex, Bowie and Andi at their indoor picnic after Bowie sings his song he wrote for Bex.
  • Dancing in the Dark — Paisley Blue
    Bowie is about to dance with Andi, but Andi thinks Bex and Bowie should dance together. The music plays while they dance together; takes place at their indoor picnic.

Theme Song

Tomorrow Starts Today
Sabrina Carpenter