Came to Party (As Heard on the Tv Show "Awkward") [Instrumental Version]
16 Barz
Came to Party (As Heard on the Tv Show "Awkward")
16 Barz
Jenna and Tamara talk to Drunk Sadie about what she saw Ricky doing
Clark confesses that he is the commenter
Jake talks to Matty about all the new attention he has
As everyone Dances, Jenna tells Matty she's decided to stay, Matty doesn't want to dance
Discussing the summer trip to Europe.
Oh Youth!
Death In The Afternoon
Jenna talks to Tamara about kissing Jake
This Love Will Lead You On
Jake and Tamara continue to make out
Where the Kids Are
Jenna talks to Clark about her choice
Sadie and Lissa talk about Ricky
Thorn Castles
Gardens & Villa
Jenna wonders if Jake is cool with her choosing Matty
Fred Wu says goodbye to Ming
Move Like U Stole It
ZZ Ward
Jake hides from Lissa
Matty tells Jenna he can't go to Europe.
Jenna talks on the phone to Tamara about the trip.
Jake and Tamara kiss in her car
You Let Me Know Too Much
Squeak E. Clean
Jenna pretends to make out with Matty in the closet
Jenna wonders why the universe is working in her favor
Just A Silohuette
Jenna lies in bed with Matty wondering what the Summer holds in store for them
This Could Kill Me
Amy Stroup
Came to Party - Instrumental
16 Barz