Walking With Giants
Jenna & Tamara talk about Eva while decorating the senior hallway.
Jenna asks Matty if he's okay; Matty walks away from Jenna with Mackenzie.
The Seniors vs. Sophomores powder puff game begins; Jenna's voice over.
I Hate You
The Shining Twins
The Senior and Sophomore girls fight each other on the football field.
The Seniors and Sophomores compete in a chubby bunny contest.
Melts in Your Mouth
Jay Deasel & Normie Smith
The Sophomore sluts are introduced.
Sha Bang Bang (Feat. Dice Raw)
Mike Taylor
In their jungle-themed hallway the Sophomores dance while Val judges the their decorated hallway theme for the contest.
Tamara stays up late as she catfishes Jake.
The Sophomores enter the powder puff football game.
Can't Bring Me Down
The Launderettes
Jake, Matty & the other senior guys move from sitting on the senior sideline to sitting on the sophomore sideline.
The Sophomores celebrate a touchdown.
On the side of the road Matty & Jake party with the sophomore sluts; Matty wrecks his car.
The Archies
Sophomore sluts are in their hallway for spirit week and it's decorated like a jumgle
Sha Bang Bang (feat. Mike Taylor)
Dice Raw
In their jungle-themed hallway the Sophomores dance while Val judges the their decorated hallway theme for the contest.