Awkward. - Season 5, Episode 6: Soundtracks

8 songs
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Theme from "Sex & the City"
Soundtrack & Theme Orchestra
After the disastrous engagement party, Jenna & Tamara cuddle up in Jenna's bed with the DVD set of Sex & the City when the DVD turns into a porno and the girls quickly figure out whats up.
Take My Heart
Tamara listens to the radio drives to Adam; (continues) Tamara sings when Gabby wakes up in the back seat still drunk and sick; (repeats) Gabby charms the base guard into retrieving Adam.
Puppy and the Journey
City Girl
(Dream sequence) Jenna talks to Owen about taking this virginity and how she used him.
Made It Right
(Dream sequence) Jenna talks to Luke about their past and break up.
Par Ici (French Hip Hop)
Dark Sky
(Dream sequence) Jenna talks with Collin about what current life and his book as she drinks, she asks him what she ever dated him when he turns into Matty and tells her that Collin wasn't him.
The Space You Haunt
The Holy Coast
(Dream sequence) On Sadie & Lissa's advice, Jeanna goes to talk with Matty; In Matty's room Jenna tries to talk to Matty when he tells her that he still in love with her.
Tamara apologizes to Adam about accepting his proposals and his grandmothers ring but he doesn't accept her apology and walks away; (continues) Jake & Gabby comfort Tamara with a group hug.
Golden Youth
With help from Sadie, Matty, and her Ghosts from Ex-boyfriends past, Jenna realizes that she is in love with Matty and wakes up and announce it out loud to herself.
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