Bitten Music
Bitten season 3 poster

Bitten season 3 episode 6 soundtrack

Rule of Anger, 2 songs

Elena and Clay take on a deadly new foe to save Marsten; Paige and Nick try to find the cause of Rocco's magical outbreaks; Katia tries to save her family.

  • Baby Come Home — Easton Stagger Phillips
    The Albino stops at a diner where he requests a glass of ice, then asks the owner if he'd sell the diner to him which he tells him no, he then orders coffee and takes to the other costumers.
  • Колыбельная (aka Lullaby) — Lev Zemlinski & Rustam Saitov
    The Albino whistles as arrive back to the textile factory with breakfast for a celled Marsten; (repeats) The Albino continues whistling as he sets up some electrical wiring.

Theme Song

Opening Theme
Tudor Kobakov