Boardwalk Empire Music
Boardwalk Empire season 1 poster

Boardwalk Empire season 1 episode 5 soundtrack

Nights in Ballygran, 9 songs

On the day of the annual St. Patrick's Eve dinner, Nucky deals with his jealous brother's oratory ambitions, as well as a group of disenchanted "Leprechauns." Feeling ignored by Nucky, a frustrated Margaret feeds Van Alden information regarding the whereabouts of a garage filled with barrels of beer. In New York, Arnold Rothstein worries about his involvement in the fixed World Series, while in Chicago, Jimmy copes with the aftermath of a vicious attack orchestrated by Torrio rival Charlie Sheridan.

  • They Didn't Believe Me — Peter Mintun
    Nucky and Eli talk in the Ritz lobby
  • Magnetic Rag — Jonathan Starkey
    Jimmy squeezes OJ w/ Laudanum for Pearl
  • Minstrel Boy/Danny Boy — Stewart Lerman
    Nucky, Eli & Ward bosses debate St. Patty's day alcohol supplies
  • Roddy Mccorley-Follow Me up to Carlow — Regina Mandolin Orchestra
    Margaret & Mrs. McGarry ask Nucky to deal with beer barrels
  • I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time — Albert Campbell
    Margaret dresses to see Nucky, waits but doesn't see him and rips lingerie
  • Sugar Baby — Jonathan Starkey
    Jimmy walks Pearl upstairs
  • Carrickfergus/Garryowen — John Treacy Egan & Cast
    Celtic dinner
  • Wall St. Rag — Jonathan Starkey
    Jimmy tells Pearl a story, then hears a gunshot
  • Carrickfergus — Loudon Wainwright III
    Nucky & Margaret kiss; end of show credits

Theme Song

Straight Up and Down
The Brian Jonestown Massacre