This is my life
Gilroy wants Michael to pick up a 50 cal
Michael takes on Duke & Co. Gilroy shows Michael the gun and the two of them take off
Restaurant Carlito; Sam and Fiona take the job with Coleman
Sam listens to Fiona and doesn't want her to go in. Fiona and Coleman decide to meet Gabriel
Les Tambours du Bronx
Sam tears off and creates a diversion while Michael adjusts Fiona's passport
Fiona leaves with Gabriel and unbuttons another button on her shirt. Gabriel peels out while he tells Fiona the story of his daughter
Gabriel tells Fiona his plans and she spills tea on herself so she can sneak away to the bathroom and call Michael
Sam plants a tracker in the lipstick for Fiona
Dangerzone - Re-Recorded & Remastered
Michael packs the bridge with explosives