Chester's Burst Over the Hamptons
Kishi Bashi
Opening show montage.
Nev & Max video chat with Rico after receiving a message from him.
Honest Feedback
Saint Motel
Nev & Max travel to Bridgeport (CT) to meet with Rico in person.
Rico calls Ja’mari while Nev and Max listen in on the conversation.
Breaking Is Fun
Marching Band
Rico talks to Nev & Max about Ja'mari after he gets off the phone with him.
Miracles of Modern Science
Nev & Max leave Rico’s house, they discuss their thoughts on Rico & Ja'mari relationship as they drive away from the house.
In Bridgeport, Nev, Max & Rico gather together for lunch and to discuss Ja'mari.
As they have lunch, Nev & Max tell Rico what they found from their investigation on Ja’mari.
Nev & Max go over to Rico’s house to tell him that they've spoken to Ja’mari and are willing to take him to Florida to meet him if that's what he wants.
Ballad of Oregon
River City Extension
Nev, Max & Rico travel to Miami to meet with Ja'mari in person.
Nev, Max & Rico discover Ja'mari bka James has been arrested for stealing a bus.
First Light
Timothy Shrider
James explains to Rico, Nev & Max why he came up with his Ja’mari online persona.
Till the End of Time
A Boy and His Kite
Nev, Max & Rico go to meet with James again this time at a park.
(A few months later) Nev & Max video chat with Rico and James to receive an update on their current lives and relationship status.