Charmed Music
Charmed season 2 poster

Charmed season 2 episode 13 soundtrack

Breaking the Cycle, 2 songs

Harry can’t expel his past so The Charmed Ones rush to his aid but ultimately he makes a deal with the devil. As The Charmed Ones continue their efforts to restore the Power of Three, they find themselves in the gravest circumstance yet.

  • The Garden — Her Crooked Heart
    Mel wakes up after spending the night with Ruby they make small talk when Ruby flatmates knock on her door; Mel hangs with Ruby and her flatmates when she gets a text to return home.
  • All We Have — Colonies
    Mel goes to be with Ruby; Both Maggie and Mel get a text from Macy; Macy drinks the Black Amber with her sisters by her side, her powers return to her; Harry drinks the Darkligther poison.