Cougar Town - Season 4, Episode 12: Soundtracks

25 songs
Cougar Town
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Hooked On a Feeling
Blue Swede
Plays when Peter, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot were being sent to prison and one of the prison guard were listening to Peter's tape.
Go All the Way
Plays at the beginning after Peter successfully got away from the bad guys and stole the orb, when he was running away in his ship after telling Breet he forgot she was there
Spirit In the Sky
Norman Greenbaum
Not in the film, only in the trailer.
Moonage Daydream
David Bowie
Fooled Around and Fell in Love
Elvin Bishop
It is the song that plays when Peter Quill were letting Gamora listen to his tape, and they almost kissed.
I'm Not In Love
The start of the movie. When a young Peter Quill (Star-Lord) was visiting his dying mother.
I Want You Back
Jackson 5
Plays during the Baby Groot dancing scene. (As tracks was cleaning his knife)
Come and Get Your Love (Re-Recorded)
The opening credits. When Starlord is dancing while stealing the orb in the beginning.
Cherry Bomb
The Runaways
Plays when the Guardians are planning and getting equipped to prepare for battle against Ronan.
Escape (The Piña Colada Song)
Rupert Holmes
It plays as Peter Quill (Star-Lord) was flying to his ship to meet Drax, Gamora, etc. after he got his tape and cassette back from the guard.
O-O-H Child
The Five Stairsteps
Sung (and danced to) by Star Lord to distract Ronan.
Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Mono)
Marvin Gaye
The first song that plays when Peter Quill (Star-Lord) puts the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 after he read the letter from his mother.
Mad Scene from 'Lucia de Lamermoor'
Bergamo Musica Festival Orchestra
Deleted Scene
Spirit In the Sky (Demo Version)
Norman Greenbaum
Not in the film, only in the trailer.
Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Mono)
Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell
The first song that plays when Peter Quill (Star-Lord) puts the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 after he read the letter from his mother.
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
That's The Day
Rick Seibold
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