Dare Me - Season 1, Episode 6: Soundtracks

12 songs
Dare Me
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Joey Purp
Colette finishes a cigarette on her deck / Beth does a new move at cheer practice / RiRi is dropped off at school
Bullet Blues
The Reclamators
Matt and Colette have dinner at Teddy's Tavern with their daughter
Addy practices the cheer routine at home, before her mom arrives
Meet Me in the Street
Sheer Mag
The Marines play pool at Teddy's Tavern / Will arrives and sees Colette and her family
Fire Away
City Kids
The Marines play pool with Slocum / He asks about military service, and Will gives him an intense answer / Will tells him not to enlist
Aldous Harding
Will storms out of Teddy's Tavern, Kurtz follows him
Move It
The cheer squad practices their routine for regionals / An injured RiRi looks on
She Gets Around
The cheer squad cleans up in the locker room after practice / Tacy opens her expensive purse to find bloody tampons / Beth sees Addy leaving school with Colette
Blue For You
Michael Bluestein
Matt sits with JJ and Burt at the restaurant, Burt and Matt try to convince JJ to invest in a new stadium
Midnight At Monteton
Becky Archibald
Matt sits with JJ and Burt at the restaurant, without Colette / Matt defends Colette
Coming Down
Dum Dum Girls
Addy lays in bed before deciding to go for a run / Beth runs at night, before Addy catches up to her / They run in unison
Blue For You (No Sax)
Michael Bluestein
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