Degrassi - Season 14, Episode 1: Soundtracks

7 songs
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Wild Child
Sherry St. Germain
Montage of Zoë, Jack, Lola, Shay & other girls auditioning for the Power Cheer squad for Becky; Zoë & Becky stare at each other down as the auditioners are dismissed; (repeats) Zoë after Becky falls.
Colourful World
Shayna Rose
Becky passes out flyers, then talks to Drew about Frankie & Power-Cheer. They kiss when Imogen then Zoë & Tristan then Ali & Dallas stop by. Becky voices her concerns to Drew about Zoë and the team.
Cajsa Siik
Claire tells Drew she's pregnant, then she tells him she's having a abortion.
Whistle Blow
Skully Boyz
Zoë dresses and ready in her Power Cheer uniform, then proceeds to walk down the school hallway with the rest of the squad, Zig watches. and the semi-finals.
Frances Cone
Drew comes to check in on Claire at the student center, he tells her he'll help her out after she has the abortion she then tells him she doesn't think she can have go through with the abortion.
Mozart Violin Concerto No.5 3rd Movement
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The Hollingsworth family have breakfast together, they discuss Miles sexuality and their views on it.
King Of Wishful Thinking
Carly Rae Jepsen
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