Doctor Who Music
Doctor Who season 5 poster

Doctor Who season 5 episode 12 soundtrack

The Pandorica Opens (1), 6 songs

The Doctor's friends unite to send him a terrible warning; the Pandorica - which is said to contain the most feared being in all the cosmos - is opening. But what's inside, and can the Doctor stop it?

  • Beneath Stonehenge (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    Amy, River, and the Doctor realise they need to get underneath Stonehenge. River opens the way down to the underhenge.
  • Who Else Is Coming (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    River and the Doctor realises that Stonehenge is transmitting a signal across the universe, to every time zone. They fold back the signal in order to find out who else has come for the Pandorica.
  • Amy and Rory (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    Amy asks the Doctor about the ring she found in his pocket. They talk, and the Doctor tells Amy that if something is remembered it can come back.
  • The Pandorica (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    The Doctor talks to Rory after he realises that Rory is in fact Rory, the roman he has been talking to.
  • Words Win Wars (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    The Doctor holds a speech for every alien spaceship flying over the Stonehenge.
  • The Life and Death of Amy Pond (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    Roman Rory shoots Amy unwillingly, River is trapped inside the TARDIS, and the Doctor is taken to the Pandorica.

Theme Song

Doctor Who Theme
Murray Gold