Doctor Who Music
Doctor Who season 5 poster

Doctor Who season 5 episode 2 soundtrack

The Beast Below, 3 songs

Amy Pond takes her first trip in the TARDIS when the Doctor whisks her away to the distant future and they discover Britain in space. Starship UK houses the future of the British people as they search the stars for a new home. But when Amy explores she encounters the terrifying Smilers and learns a deadly truth inside the Voting Booth...

  • The Beast Below (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    The opening scene showing a classroom; a child gets a 0 mark on his work, banning him from riding in a lift. When he does regardless, the lift falls to floor 0 and the floor opens, with the child falling through.
  • Amy's Theme (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    Amy floats in space held by the Doctor; they spot Starship UK below them.
  • A Lonely Decision (feat. The BBC National Orchestra of Wales) — Murray Gold
    Near the end of the story, after Amy has saved the star whale, she explains why they survived, then Amy explains how she knew to the Doctor and they share their first hug. The song ends as they leave.

Theme Song

Doctor Who Theme
Murray Gold