Drop Dead Diva Music
Drop Dead Diva season 6 poster

Drop Dead Diva season 6 episode 7 soundtrack

Sister Act, 3 songs

Jane and Grayson spend the night together; Owen defends the Mayor of Malibu; Jane represents a teenage girl in need of a bone marrow match; Kim agrees to let Stacy watch her infant son.

  • Pieces — Andrew Belle
    Grayson tells Jane he loves her, they leave the law office arm in arm.
  • Sunshine — The Ultimate Bearhug
    Overshoot of the sun rising & the city; Grayson comes out of Jane's bedroom to breakfast, they discuss the night before.
  • They Put Me Away — Margaret Cho
    Teri sings to a crowd of sings as Jane walks in to visit her.

Theme Song

Break Me Out
The Rescues