Felicity Music
Felicity season 4 poster

Felicity season 4 episode 5 soundtrack

Boooz, 3 songs

Ben and Trevor fail their organic chemistry midterm. They are upset because the test included an entire section on a topic that Professor Hodges had specifically said would not be included. They ask for a chance to re-take the test. Ben insults the professor after he belittles them. Hodges responds by throwing both Ben and Trevor out of the class. They go out drinking. Trevor continues to drink after they arrive at Felicity and Elena's Halloween party. He collapses with alcohol poisoning, and Ben calls an ambulance. Ben tells Hodges that Trevor is in a coma. He suggests that it wouldn't have happened if Hodges were a little more understanding. Hodges goes to the hospital to check on Trevor, who has begun to recover. He agrees that he isn't very helpful to his students, and asks Ben and Trevor to return to class. T.A. Felicity takes over some classes after the professor is arrested for shoplifting. Felicity's students constantly mock her and accuse her of selling out after

  • Digs — Tom Freund
    Ben and Trevor have a talk at a bar after being failed by Professor Hodges.
  • I Woke Up In Yesterday — Chandelle
    Richard tries to take off his Darth Vader mask at the Halloween party.
  • Running Around in My Dreams — Tyrone Wells
    Noel and Javier are sitting at a bar. Javier decides to call Samuel.

Theme Song

New Version of You
Andrew Jarecki