Finding Carter Music
Finding Carter season 2 poster

Finding Carter season 2 episode 24 soundtrack

Atonement, 12 songs

Carter uncovers a shocking truth after someone close to her is murdered. In the midst of legal battles, David and Elizabeth petition for temporary custody of Ben.

  • Take It All — Charlotte Carpenter
    Carter is stitched up by a nurse; Carter questions Lori about Jared's death but they aren't able to talk as David & Elizabeth arrive; as Lori explains things the police comes to question her.
  • Harvest — Death Has No Dominion
    Taylor & Grant talk as they wait for Carter to be released.
  • Sundown — Sennen
    David talks on the phone to his lawyer about custody of Ben when and Taylor arrive to his office, she gives him advise on dealing with Elizabeth as she explains the past few weeks to him.
  • War of Hearts — Ruelle
    Carter calls Elizabeth to talk about the possibility of Lori covering for Ben; Taylor apologizes to Carter for blowing at her then tells her that they will figure everyone out.
  • Boom — Laleh
    Carter & Crash arrive at his hotel to pick up his things, Crash comforts her and they almost kiss.
  • I Can Say — Olivia Millerschin
    David & Elizabeth comes to Lori to tell her that the state as awarded them custody of Ben as Lori break downs from the new Elizabeth tells her that Ben will always be her son.
  • Under the Gun (feat. Miakoda) — Datageist
    Taylor tells Carter that has been Max acting funny and that he's been drink, Carter puts two-and-two together and figures out that Lori is covering for Max; Max arrives at the police station. 
  • Used To Be — Natali Felicia
    David & Elizabeth come downstairs to welcome Ben to their home as he unpacks, they tell him that he's part of their family now and offer to take him to see Lori when he settled.
  • Don't Come Back To Me — Above The Clouds
    Lori asks Max not to take protecting him away from her; Taylor & Carter arrive just asks Max come out of the police station; Inside the car, Carter & Taylor question Max. 
  • Alone — Colours
    Max confesses his worry that he's like is father to Crash who figures out what he's done, Crash then assures him that he's not; Carter & Taylor fight over whether Max should tell the truth or not.
  • A War — Bird
    Ben tells Rick that their square, but Rick disagrees with Ben which causes a fight between them, they get into a physical altercation.
  • The End of Everything — Jill Andrews
    Lori & Taylor come to an agreement about their situation when release Lori, confused Lori & Taylor rush to the police room to see Max being taken into custody; Rick leaves Ben beaten in the street. 

Theme Song
